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English, Tips

5 ways to keep your site up to speed

I thought I should try writing a post in english to see how it works.

Many people have no idea that the biggest factor contributing to their page speed is size.
In this blogpost I will tell you 5 things you can do to make your site faster and better.

Remember that everything takes time to load in the browser.
Css, stylesheets, plugins, images etc.
5 ways to keep your site up to speed

To find out how your site’s speed are, you can use GTMetrix which is a great tool. Google also have a tool called PageSpeed Insights. (There are other tools too, which I haven’t tried myself.)

Both of these page speed analytics tools will tell you how your site’s speed are and also what you can improve to make it faster. 


  1. Scripts below the fold
    Keep them below the fold – javascripts do not have to load before the other content of your site.
    Keeping them above the fold will make them load before your content and visitors will have to wait for the script to load before seeing your site. Not necessary at all. 
  2. Image optimization
    Make sure your images are scaled before you upload them to your site.
    If you upload an image at, let’s say 1500 x 1500 px, but you reduce it’s size in the blogpost, your browser will still have to load the 1500 x 1500 px image (full image size),
    and your browser must load much more then necessary.
    This is why you should scale before you upload!

    (Another thing you can do is compressing your images.) 
  3. Compression
    Compress your site means that you allow your webserver to provide much smaller file sizes that will load faster for your visitors.
    HTML and CSS files that are compressed with gzip saves around 50-60 % of the file size. Less loadingtime and less bandwith used.
  4. Caching
    Browser caching makes your site temporarily store some of the data on your visitors computer so they don’t have to download the same things over and over when loading your page. 
  5. CSS optimization
    Your CSS is loading before your visitors are seeing your site,
    and should be helping your webpages render faster and not slowing them down.
    Get rid of CSS you are not using and minimize your CSS files (there are free tools for that you can use).