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the blog market

Digital Media, English, Tips

10 good sites to follow if you’re into digital media, blogging, tech and startups

10 good sites I follow for both social- and digital media, blogging, tech, startups.

10 good sites to follow if you are into digital media

Business 2 Community – News about social media, marketing, tech etc

Social Media Examiner – Articles about the latest in social media, tips etc

TechCrunch – The latest technology news and information about startups.

Re/code – Tech news, Reviews and Analysis

The Next Web – International technology news

The Blogmarket  – Resources for creative and productive blogging

Better Bloggers – Swedish site with a lot of tips and inputs of the blogosphere. Love it!

Heather Crabtree – Small business strategist for creative entrepreneurs

Jennypurr – ”Are here to help you unlock the potential of your online space as a game changer for your business.”

By Regina – Business tips, PR and design