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Blogg, English, Tips

60 blog topic ideas for when you are stuck

Since we all get stuck sometimes when we are trying to come up with topics to blog about I’m going to give you 60 tips of blog topic ideas.
(I’ve already posted these in swedish a while ago.)

60 blog topic ideas for when you are stuck

1. How do a day in your life look like? – Describe.
2. Have someone else write a post.
3. What is your favorite quote? – Why?
4. Have you traveled recently? – Tell me about your trip. What did you feel and did you take pictures?
5. Tip – Tell about something good you know that may be of interest to your readers.
6. Write a review on anything – movies, candy, beauty product, eg,
7. What is the best advice you received?
8. Your bucket list – What’s on it?
9. Your dream trip, where does it take you?
10. If you had to choose an outfit you need every day for the rest of your life – what would you choose?
11. Tell us something personal about yourself.
12. Write a letter to your future you.
13. A list of fun facts about yourself – Lists always works ?
14. What are five things you can not be without.
15. The ultimate wish list
16. Images on what inspires you.
17. Try something new – Video blogging
18. Share your best recipes
19. Make a mood board
20. List your favorite blogs
21. What are the 5 most recent things you bought?
22. Your favorite books / movies / series
23. Write about a difficult decision you had to make
24. Write a reply to a comment you received – as a blog post
25. Have a contest for your readers
26. Make a tutorial for something you can and want to share.
27. Interview someone
28. ’To Do List’
29. Is there anything you regret that you did not do? – Or something you regret that you did?
30. Have you any bad habits?
31. Polls – Ask your readers what they would like you to write about.
32. List your most popular posts.
33. Advantages and disadvantages of something
34. Your plans for the future
35. Why did you start blogging?
36. Write a satirical posts
37. A series of posts on eg a challenge you have accepted.
38. Things that bother you
39. Tell about what you think you should follow on Twitter / Instagram / Pinterest
40. Posts worth reading from other blogs
41. What apps can’t you live without?
42. Good plugins for wordpress (if you use it as cms)
43. What kind of people inspires you?
44. Childhood Memory – Sad / Funny
45. What have you won or lost on taking a risk?
46. ​​A short novel
47. List your favorite songs
48. Write your opinions about something – do you agree or not – why?
49. What is your dream job?
50. If you had an unlimited budget – what would you buy and why?
51. If you could choose a super power – what would it be?
52. A post with a photo of the hours you have made in one day
53. Do you have any passion – What?
54. If you have pets – Write a post from the animal’s perspective
55. Your last instagram post
56. If you were a celebrity – What would you be known for?
57. Follow-up on a previous post
58. What is your best / worst purchase ever – Why?
59. What is it like where you are sitting and blogs – View with images
60. What’s the bravest thing you’ve done?